Near the close of summer every year Americans honor our hard-working spirit on Labor Day. If you run a successful business, you’ve almost certainly put in long hours and gone above and beyond in your quest to create an outstanding product or service. But as you enjoy the holiday this year, we encourage you to think about how hard you are working for your customers as well.
Although customers don’t always see everything you do for them behind the scenes, they do understand full well the difference between great and mediocre service. That’s why it’s so important to align the most qualified people in your contact center with access to the most advanced tools available today. Some of these tools include:
- A skills-based routing system that matches Communicators with inbound and outbound calls based on the program-specific training they receive and the proficiency they show for particular types of calls
- IVR technology that gives callers simple, efficient options for accessing information that doesn’t require the assistance of a Communicator
- CRM that allows your employees to tailor customer service and marketing personally to the needs of individual consumers
In general, the amount of time and effort you put into your customer service is inversely proportional to how difficult it is for your customers to get the information or assistance they need. And, quite simply, customers no longer have the patience to wait for service. As customer service expert Micah Solomon explained in a recent Forbes blog post, responding to an online service request within a day is no longer anything to write home about.
“‘We respond to all inquiries within 24 hours’ means you’re answering in about 46 days, I figure, if you do the conversion to Internet time,” he writes. “It’s simply not good enough.”
So as you take a little time for yourself this Labor Day, think about what you expect as a customer yourself, and then consider whether you are working hard to ensure your company meets that same standard.
The post Ask Yourself: How Hard Are You Working for Your Customers This Labor Day? appeared first on The Right Call.